Minor Passengers.
What they can and cannot import

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Under 10 years

Children under 10 years of age cannot carry out non-commercial imports, neither those that are made paying customs duties nor those that are exempt from payment. In these cases, personal effects are considered, in addition to the minor’s clothing and footwear, those items used for transportation (cars for example), food and entertainment, including toys, all in accordance with their age.

Over 10 years

On the other hand, travelers who are over 10 years old but under 18 years old CAN carry out Non-Commercial Imports, as long as they arrive in the country at that age and are represented by a person of legal age. during customs clearance.

Like adults, these passengers over 10 years of age can import items up to a customs value of one thousand USD (Points) by paying customs duties, so they can carry out the so-called «import of the year» as long as they meet the other requirements. In this last case, personal effects will be considered, in addition to those necessary for their transportation, entertainment, food and care according to age, including toys that are appropriate to age as long as they are delivered in the presence of the minor and are in reasonable quantities.

Some peculiarities:

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