Cuban Customs.
What you should know if you travel to Cuba

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Passengers Regulations

All passengers, regardless of their nationality and place of residence, are subject to the same obligations and rights regarding prohibitions, regulations, exemptions and payment of tariffs. .

Below are some topics that those who travel to Cuba should know:

  1. Basic Issues that you should know: Customs issues that those traveling to Cuba should know
  2. Advance Traveler Information: Submit Declarations “online” for Immigration, Health and Customs
  3. What are considered Personal Effects: Items that are personal belongings of the traveler and are not considered as imports.
  4. Import Limits: Limits established in value and quantity, both in total and individually by items.
  5. Established permanent exemptions: Items for which customs duties are not paid
  6. Minors (Passangers under 18 years old)

Items temporarily and Exceptionally authorized until 01/31/2025: Medicines, Food and Toiletries can be imported by passengers, without limit in quantity and without paying customs duties for them.The value of these items is not considered within the limit of one thousand USD that each passenger, over 10 years old, has the right to import (They are not weighed). This authorization also refers to those that arrive in the country as part of non accompanied luggage (ENA) and includes also SHIPMENTS, although the limit in the ENA is 50 Kg and in Shipments it is 20Kg.

You may learn more about these exemptions following this link

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