Prohibited Importation

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Articles that due to their nature, characteristics and use cannot enter the country

(Possession of any of them without declaring may constitute a crime)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones)

The import of unmanned aerial vehicles, including drones, is not permitted. If any of this equipment is detected upon importation, it will be retained. If the passenger is not a Permanent Resident in the country, it will be returned upon departure after payment of the corresponding service fee. But if he resides permanently in Cuba, the drone will be retained pending authorization from MINCOM and will be declared legally abandoned (confiscated) after 30 days without having been authorized.


According to Resolution 24-07 of the AGR Chief, PACKAGES are understood to be the goods, packages or packages sent from abroad to third parties using the passenger to transport them.”

In “real life,” this does not refer to a gift (a piece of clothing or other item) that you carry knowing what it is and to those who send and receive it. In general terms, this refers to passengers who receive in the country of embarkation – for a specific payment – packages and items that, although they constitute their luggage, do not belong to them. It is normal that in these cases the passenger has not participated in its packaging and much less knows its contents and, in the same way, does not know the recipient in Cuba, who picks them up immediately upon departure from the air terminals. They are the so-called «mules».

There are many passengers who, for a few USD, have unknowingly transported drugs or other prohibited items and are subject to the corresponding sanctions for these crimes. According to the Law, passengers assume the responsibilities derived from the nature of the content of their luggage and in these cases, ignorance of what they are transporting does not exempt them from the crime committed, nor does it reduce the sanction that corresponds to them. On the other hand, since these luggage are not the passenger’s belongings, but items sent to third parties by Agencies dedicated to that purpose, their importation acquires a commercial nature, which is expressly prohibited by current legislation in the country and subject to administrative sanction. of confiscation, if there were no other more serious crime.


Narcotic drugs, precursors and similar substances. In the case of psychotropic substances for personal use, they are authorized upon presentation of the corresponding certificates.

  • Blood derivatives, human vaccines, culture media, as well as other biological products
  • Medical equipment, devices and materials in quantities that are representative of a commercial activity;
  • Radioactive products used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes;
  • Health supplies in quantities that are representative of a commercial activity;
  • Any other product or medical material that may constitute a risk to human health

Upon leaving the country, so-called intra-hospital medications may not be exported, except in cases of continuity of treatment, covered by the corresponding Certificate issued by the corresponding medical center.

Light vehicles and their parts:

The definitive importation by natural persons is prohibited, except in the cases specified by the Law, of internal combustion engine vehicles, as well as their engines and bodies (frame in the case of motorcycles).

Articles contrary to morality and good customs or that threaten the general interests of the nation.

Books, paintings, films and audio or video tapes, engravings, publications, figures and any other object whose content is considered contrary to morality and good customs or that go against the general interests of the Nation.


  • The importation of equipment, devices and accessories manufactured or used to access without authorization or hack wireless networks, of any standard, is prohibited.

Currency and other Securities:

  • The export of more than 5000.00 (five thousand) CUP is not allowed
  • The export of more than 5000.00 (five thousand) USD or equivalent is not allowed without authorization from the BCC

Phyto-Sanitary Regulations

The Veterinary Medicine and Plant Health authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture have the function of enforcing the sanitary-veterinary and phytosanitary regulations, which govern the introduction into our territory of: animals, plants, products and by-products of animal and plant origin. , as well as biological products and any product capable of carrying animal and plant diseases.

Absolute prohibitions:

  • Live animals, except dogs and cats vaccinated against rabies and accompanied by Official Veterinary Certification from the country of origin
  • Fresh, frozen, dehydrated or salted meats
  • Sausages and other meat products
  • Fluid milk and dairy derivatives in general NOT PASTEURIZED
  • Leather and artisanal products without industrial processing
  • Earth or organic matter in any of its forms
  • Plants or parts of plants, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds
  • Agricultural and forestry products
  • Organisms and microorganisms harmful to animals and plants
  • Biological products in general

Note: Food products, as well as those of plant and animal origin in general, are controlled by MINSAP and Quarantine border inspectors.

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