Regulated Importation

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Articles that due to their nature, characteristics and use, require an authorization or license to be imported

Currency and Securities

The importation of MLC is free, without limit, but if more than five thousand USD or its equivalent is brought, it must be declared to Customs. The export of MLC is limited to 5 thousand USD or its equivalent if the passager have not declared it at entrance. Up to 5 thousand Cuban pesos can be imported and exported.


From July 19, 2021 until December 31, 2021, passengers will be able to bring all food as accompanied baggage that they wish, without this being part of the total allowed value (one thousand USD) and without paying customs duties on them

Regardless of the above, all foods are subject to inspection, control and authorization by the border phytosanitary authorities who apply the provisions and regulations established on the import and export of animals and plants, as well as foods of all kinds. guy.

Absolute import bans of animal origin

  • Fresh, frozen, dehydrated or salted meats.
  • Fluid milk and dairy derivatives in general NON-PASTEURIZED

Can be imported from some countries

  • Canned meat (canned) of cattle, pork and poultryfrom Spain, Portugal, United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
  • SausagesFrom Spain, Portugal, United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
  • Milk powderfrom Spain, Portugal, United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay

They can be imported from any country

  • Canned seafood
  • UHT fluid milk (ultrapasteurized);
  • Milk condensed and evaporated, as well as dairy desserts
  • Pasteurized mature cheeses

Objects of Art and Cultural Heritage

Assets found in Museum collections, as well as all assets that are more than 50 years old, are considered Cultural Heritage of the Nation or of museum value. Also part of the Cultural Heritage are the works of plastic arts made in Cuba between the 16th and 19th centuries, by Cuban or foreign artists, as well as the works of plastic arts executed by Cuban artists born between 1900 and 1960.

The extraction or attempted extraction of these assets will require the prior and express authorization of the Ministry of Culture. Likewise, whoever introduces any of these goods into the country on a temporary basis must declare it before the customs authority for presentation upon leaving the country on the occasion of re-export.

Likewise, the export of those cultural goods not declared an integral part of the nation’s cultural heritage, such as original works of plastic arts made by amateurs, must have the Export Certificate granted by the National Registry of Cultural Goods.

Artistic and utilitarian crafts in its various manifestations, made with non-precious metals, leather, glass, clay, plaster, wood and mixed techniques; artisanal objects of religious worship of African and Christian origin; metalwork in silver and semi-precious stones, contemporary ornaments that are sold in the commercial network and utensils for domestic use (glasses, cups, jugs, plates, cutlery); They do not require an Export Certificate, however if the person requests it, the Export Certificate is issued and the fee established for decorative arts is charged.

Flora and fauna

The import or export of threatened species of flora and fauna, protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) requires a permit granted by the Environmental Management and Inspection Center of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

The Specialists of the Border Veterinary and Phytosanitary Services, who operate at the international airports of our country, will authorize the entry of pets with a veterinary certificate and will determine the actions to follow.

Likewise, they will inspect and authorize preserved meat (canned and sterilized; concentrated broths, duly identified and with recognized trademarks; pasteurized, condensed, evaporated, powdered UHT fluid milk, as well as its derivatives; properly treated ornamental articles of animal origin; vegetables canned goods from recognized brands.

They will also be subject to inspection by these authorities, among other items: species of live plants and their parts; the seeds of crop plants or wild plants; grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, spices, flours, cakes, semolina, brans and other food products in their natural or semi-processed state; earth or soils and organic fertilizers; living plant species and their parts; flowers in a fresh state; handicraft items, making with wood, bark, seeds and other materials intended for home decoration or personal use.

Twisted Tobacco

Upon leaving the country, passengers are required to verbally declare to Customs all twisted tobacco they carry with them or in the accompanying luggage.

The passenger may carry up to twenty (20) units of loose twisted tobacco, without the need to present any document, and up to fifty (50) units of twisted tobacco, with the condition that they are contained in original, closed, sealed containers and with the official hologram set.

For a quantity in excess of fifty (50) units of twisted tobacco, the official sales invoice issued by the network of stores authorized to sell Cuban Twisted Tobacco must be presented.

Quantities of twisted tobacco in excess of fifty (50) units that are not declared by the passenger and any quantity that exceeds what is declared, or that having been declared, its lawful acquisition is not proven by the official sales invoice or the containers do not have attributes and other requirements will give rise to the application by Customs of the corresponding administrative measures, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.